Ever wonder why the name of Jesus causes such anger to the ungodly?

afaithfulone4u View Post Ever wonder why the name of Jesus causes such anger to the ungodly?

The baby Jesus meek and mild doesn't offend anyone. The liberal Jesus who doesn't know anything about hell and damnation doesn't offend anyone. The Jesus of scripture and his followers offend the godless (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

AlFin View Post People don't mind us talking about "God" since there as so many gods around...

It's helpful to know who you god is.

Jesus makes demands of his followers (1 Co 15:31).

afaithfulone4u View Post Who do you think Jesus is?

He's not just savior. He's Lord. We are accountable to him (Lk 6:46). You'll bear your image or you'll bear his image (2 Co 3:18).

Ever wonder why the name of Jesus causes such anger to the ungodly?